Our Dogs
GCHB CH Celestial Cj's Seneca CGC TDI
Seneca was our first PBGV, and my very best friend. She came to us from Jeanne Hurty of Cj's PBGV and was the foundation of our breeding program and the matriarch of our home.
GCHG CH Celestial Cj's Ringmaster at Talus
Buddy was from our very first litter and had quite the career in the show ring. He was the Number 1 PBGV in the US in 2015 and went on to sire many Champions, including the number 1 PBGV in the US in 2022.
CH Cj's Happy Go Lucky on Five Mile
Happy is the daughter of Buddy, bred by Jeanne and Charles Hurty and Mark and Lynn Florian. She is now retired and enjoys a leisurely life at Talus.
CH Cj Five Mile Meriwether of Talus
Meriwether is a sweet soul and the lovely daughter of Happy. She is very much her Mother's Daughter, displaying a lovely disposition and gorgeous breed type.
CH Dire Du Bien Du Greffier Du Roi
Brielle is a GBGV, but better known as the "house poodle". She came to us from Jolanda Huisman in The Netherlands. She is an amazingly intelligent girl who oversees all that goes on in our home. She, along with her best bestie Archimedes the Main Coon, nannies all babies in our home regardless of breed or species.
CH Sidekick's Life of the Party at Talus
Bubbles is certainly the life of the party. She is a water-retrieving party girl with a heart of gold.
GCH CH Talus Sidekick Perfect Storm
Bridgette is the daughter of Bubbles and, like her Mother, has a spectacular temperament. She finished her Championship and Grand Championship with limited showing and we look forward to seeing what she can produce as a mother.
The White Bunny Catcher at Talus
Bunny was imported from Italy and we are so thankful to her breeder, Chiara De Roia, for entrusting us with her. Bunny is easily the funniest PBGV we have ever known, and she goes out of her way to be absolutely adorable at all times.
CH. Talus National Folly
Folly is one of our homebred Champions and we look forward to seeing lovely pups from her in 2025.
Westwind Talus Dances With Wabbits
"Kevin" is our newest family member. We are so grateful to his breeder, Pat Koprovic of Westwind PBGV, for entrusting us with this promising boy. We are so excited to see what the future holds for this beautiful and charismatic youngster.
CH. Centerstage Talus Bonnet
Bonnie is a Buddy Granddaughter with an exceptionally sweet personality. She finished her AKC Championship very quickly and we look forward to seeing her out as a Special.
The dogs featured above represent our foundation, as well as the current dogs residing at Talus. This is by no means a complete list of all the amazing Talus show champions and loving companions living as cherished members of incredible families around the country.